What is PSAAP?
The PHO Services Agreement Amendment Protocol (PSAAP) is the document that details the arrangements around the voluntary amending of the PHO Services Agreement (PHOSA). General Practice owners are not a party to the PHOSA agreement but are bound by this agreement and have no avenue for redress through the legal system.
The forum created by PSAAP is tasked with discussing and agreeing changes in the PHOSA which are then applied to General Practice through the Contracted Provider Agreement. (The "Back-to-Back" Agreement).
The forum is the place where proposed capitation uplifts are notified and consulted on and then prescribed with no negotiation. It also has a function of information sharing and discussion of issues that may have a consequential impact on parties to the agreement.
Many decisions are made by consensus. There is a voting mechanism around changes to the contract but there is also the ability for the state to apply a compulsory variation to the funding.
On rare occasions when issues are referred for negotiation, four Contracted Provider negotiators will be appointed by the nominated Contracted Provider Agents, to represent the interests of all Contracted Providers. This process reflects that of the PHO negotiators.
With the Health reforms there has been a change to the parties at PSAAP. The Ministry of Health will no longer be a party but will have observer status. Te Whatu Ora have replaced District Health Boards as parties. PHOs will maintain their long-established role at PSAAP with each PHO continuing to have the right to appoint to PSAAP. Contracted Providers continue to be a party to PSAAP, but their appointing arrangements have changed.